400 Students

410 Student Policies Goals

410 Equal Educational Opportunities
411 Student Harassment Policy
411 Rule Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures
412.1 Full Time Students

420 School Admissions

420 School Admissions
420 Rule Admission of Transfer Students from Private or Parochial Schools Alternative Schools and Home-Based Educational Programs
421 Student Entrance Age
421 Rule Guidelines for Early Admission to Five Year and Four Year Old Kindergarten and First Grade
422.1 Foreign Exchange Students
423 Public School Open Enrollment
423 Rule Public School Open Enrollment
423.1 Alternate Open Enrollment Criteria and Process
424 Participation of Non-Public Students in District Programs and Activities
424 Exhibit Non-Public School Course Application Form
424 Rule Participation of Non-Public Students in District Programs and Activities
425 Admission of Students Expelled from Other Districts

430 Attendance

431 Student Attendance
431 Rule Student Attendance Guidelines
433.0 Assignment of Students to Elementary Teachers
434.2 Closed Campus 

440 Student Rights and Responsibilities

441.1 Student Government 
443 Code of Student Conduct
443.1 Student Dress Code
443.2 Student Conduct on School Buses
443.3 Tobacco Use by Students
443.4 Student Alcohol and Other Drug Use
443.5 Student Code of Conduct for the Use of Portable Technology
443.6 Student Pictures on the School District’s Website, Facebook, School Newsletters and Area Newspapers
443.7 Parent Authorization for Student Published Pictures
443.8 Gang-Related Behavior
444 School Age Parents
444.81 Student Use and Possession of Dangerous Weapons in the School
445 Police Interview and Interrogations of Students
446 Student Searches
446.1 Locker Searches
446.2 Canine Searches
447 Student Discipline
447.1 Corporal Punishment
447.2 Detentions
447.3 Student Suspensions
447.4 Expulsions
448 Bullying

450 Student Health and Welfare

451 Student Insurance
453.1 Emergency Nursing Services
453.11 Use of Defibrillators
453.2 Student Immunizations
453.3 Communicable Diseases
453.4 Administering Medication to Students
453.5 Student Physical Examinations
453.6 Treatment for Mental Health and AODA Issues
453.8 Guidelines for the Control and Treatment of Head Lice/Nits
453.9 Head Lice Checklist
454 Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect
455.2 Student Motor Vehicle Use
455.4 Safety Patrol
457 Suicide Prevention and Intervention Program
458 School District Wellness Policy

460 Students Scholarships and Awards

461 Student Scholarships
462 Academic Excellence Scholarship
462.1 Technical Excellence Scholarship
463 Valedictorian and Salutatorian Selection

470 Student Charges

471 Student Fines

490 Miscellaneous Student Policies

491 Senior Class Fund Disposition
493 Student Privacy in Locker Rooms